Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Birth Day

Hooray! They're here! The ducklings have hatched! When I approached the back door this morning to let my dog out, I was met with a symphony of peeping noises. I was so excited, I immediately ran in to wake up the Buzzard. (His excitement was somewhat contained given that he rolled into town at about 11:00 last night from a camping trip. More on that later!)

Is there anything sweeter than downy little ducklings? Oh, what a sight!

We watched them paddle around for quite some time, and then got concerned that they couldn't get out of the pool safely. We worried they were going to get tired and be trapped in the water, so I begged the tired Buzzard to "rig up a ramp".
What a fine Buzzard.
He fashioned a little Styrofoam dock and secured it to the pool decking. At first it was too tall, so then he made a little stair step. It was an engineering feat that occupied the better part of our morning. :) Don't worry...I rewarded him by making a trip to his favorite bagel shop.

Mommy and her babies were surprisingly trusting of his presence.

We lured them onto the deck with bread crumbles. It didn't take them long to figure out the new system. I love to watch them shake their fuzzy little tails when they hop out of the water!

Well, as you can imagine, we've accomplished precious little today. Unless you account for sitting in the kitchen window and watching seven little ducklings play. They are beyond cute. I just went out to check on them as it is growing dusk. Mama duck has them all tucked safely under her wing, and there is something very comforting and sweet about that vision. I'd like to go snap one more photo, but I don't want to disturb her.

Today is also my Dad's birthday. Dad, I wish I could be there with you today to treat you to a double shack burger and a LARGE hot fudge milkshake. I know you're getting second billing in this post (cute and fuzzy is hard to compete with), but you are truly #1 in my book. I love you!

This picture of us was taken last summer, probably shortly after eating a shack burger. I tend to like to do a lot of that when I am in town!

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