Our policy on team sports has always been that we will sign up the kids if and when they beg to participate. We learned this early on when we signed the boys up for tee-ball when they were barely potty trained. We shuffled them back and forth to practices and coordinated our weekend schedules around games that involved watching them run the bases in the wrong direction and pick flowers in the outfield. I'm not a huge sports enthusiast (which is a huge, enthusiastic understatement), so I decided to bottle and save the time and effort required for team sports for a season in which I may need it someday.
Someday has come.
Soccer season is in full swing. Last weekend, Hayden finished up his final game with Upwards Basketball. (If I am prone to mildly enjoying any sport it is definitely basketball. Upwards is such a great program!) I slightly underestimated how sporty life would become when participating in two sports at once. It apparently hadn't sunk in completely when I signed both boys up for baseball right in the middle of basketball/soccer season.
In case you're having trouble keeping up....basketball done. Soccer going. Baseball starting.
Baseball is new for us, and both boys are really exciting about trying it out. I really can't complain about it, because when I say "if and when they beg", I really mean "if and when they beg for at least two years", which is how long the boys have been waiting to play baseball. I just wanted to be sure they really meant it. :)
This past week we heard from both coaches. Hayden will be a pirate and Max will be a cardinal. Yesterday Buzz took the boys to get baseball pants. Am I the only mother who spends lots of time wondering why baseball pants are white when baseball fields have orange sand on them??? Yesterday, I made a mental note to pick up more stain treater at the store and then sent my boys to the park to enjoy the gorgeous weather with their brand new gloves, bats, and balls.
Buzzard is really excited to practice with the boys because he is playing on a softball team himself for the first time in several years. I gave the boys a generous head start, then Emma and I headed to the park to check on progress. They were really good! There was real pitching going on! And catching too! Bats were making contact with the ball! I am encouraged that being a spectator will be more interesting than it was for tee ball.
Ever heard of angels in the outfield??
My season has come.
Don't forget to come to the 9:45 pm game Tuesday night!!!!
LOVE that last picture! All those sweaty males and that sweet little one in pink!
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