Monday, October 27, 2008

Surprises on Sunday

My sweet neighbor gave me a gorgeous arrangement of flowers last night, to end my birthday week on a beautiful note. One of the flowers in it is so fragrant it makes my whole kitchen smell wonderful. It is a hearty bouquet of fall color and it is spectacular!

She also brought over her Canon Rebel for me to play with for the week. She got it for Mother's Day, and since she knows I am in the camera market, she thought I might like to try it out for a few days. Monday mornings are challenging enough as it is. My kids are going to have to HIDE this camera bag from me so I can force myself through a full day of school and a few loads of laundry. I know which one of us is going to be most anxious for "play time" on Monday!

Also, Mom and I stopped in the craft store and all the fall decorations were on clearance for 60-70% off. It seems Christmas crowds the isles earlier and earlier every year. Anyway, I picked up a cute little scarecrow and some fall leaves to liven up my front porch.

I just love sweet surprises on Sundays. It's going to be a really great week. :)

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