Monday, October 27, 2008

Highs and Lows

Today we made a salt dough map of Israel during our history lesson. I have never used salt dough before, and when I mixed it together it felt stiff and workable, but when we put it on the map it was gloppy and smooshy. We tried to make mountains, but over time they kept sinking, and Judah just kept spreading wider and wider. Even after drying the entire day, the clay was still too soft to hold our flags in place. The whole point was to learn about the division of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms. Hopefully the experience will help them to remember. I'll just refer to the time we tried to make a map, and it was a disaster, and ended up like puddles of slop, and they will immediately associate Israel and Judah. Right? I suppose a big failure makes just as much of an impression on the memory as a big success!

The recipe called for one cup of flour, one cup of salt, and enough water to make a "muddy" consistency. I'd like to try salt dough again, but I'll aim for clay, not mud.

As for the "high" of the day, Hannah and some girlfriends just went to see High School Musical Three. They just exploded through the front door in a fit of giggles, so I think the movie was a winner. Apparently, it was centered around a prom theme. I remember my senior prom. I wore a peach dress with a hoop skirt under it. I had shoes dyed to match. I pinned baby's breath in my hair and wore peach frosted Bonnie Bell Lip Smackers. I have always been on the cutting edge of fashion, you see. :) Fashion and technical mapmaking, yes-sireebob.


Sarah at SmallWorld said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful things. I've enjoyed perusing your blog; I love your sense of humor!

And yes, I am SURE this is true:
"I suppose a big failure makes just as much of an impression on the memory as a big success!" Probably more so!

Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

Dove~ Thanks so much for stopping by...what a lovely blog you have.

We have much in common.....and I'll be sure to be back.

Have a blessed week home schooling. :-)

Akulakat said...

Really big giant failures are what you remember most in life. When everything goes as planned, it is no fun 20 years later to sit down and say

"Remember when we did this right and got a good grade"

It is always fun to say

"Remember when you botched that chemistry experiment and spilled acid on your pants. Then as the day went on, parts of your pants started falling off"