Sunday, October 26, 2008

Crazy Carvers

Last night we went to a pumpkin carving social. My kids had never carved a pumpkin before. I think perhaps I've always been deterred by the mess. One year, I did hand my kids a pumpkin and some colored markers. Very festive, indeed. Last night, our hostess Sheri was definitely not intimidated by the mess. In fact, she and her husband spent the better part of the afternoon preparing plump little pumpkins.

Then, they generously welcomed us into their home to eat, visit, and get creative!

Emma made a little friend. She was quite sweet on the idea of a friend. Isn't this just the cutest little pair of pumpkins??

Oh, friend. Why you sad???Uh oh. Friend not so happy with Emma. It might have had something to do with the fact that she tried to crawl on top of his adorable, bald little head. I think she made him BOO hoo, no pun intended.

We enjoyed a yummy spread of snacks, pizza, and homemade sheet cake, then the kids set out for gourd greatness. They taped little patterns on the pumpkins as cutting guidelines. The patterns were quite creative and they turned out really well!

It was a perfect night to be outside, and the kids had a great time visiting with one another. We ended up with some pretty spook-tacular pumpkins, and I think we have happily established a brand new fall tradition!


the voice of melody said...

What beautiful children you have! And it looks like you had a great time carving those pumpkins and being with friends. Thanks for sharing.

Many sweet blessings!

Sarah at SmallWorld said...

Very awesome. We are having our own annual Soup and Pumpkin Party here on Thursday night. It's always an incredibly fun evening!