Parents gathered here for photos and send-off, then many stayed to have munchies and visit. There were a few siblings here too, which made it fun for the whole family. We had five boys swimming out back, and I regret that I didn't get out there with my camera to capture their fun game of water basketball. Max and Hayden had a blast. Israel's little sister, Gracie, was here to play with Emma, which was a big treat for her too. I got a chance to visit with parents that I don't get to talk to often enough, and we all passed around our phones as the kids would send texts and photos with updates from prom.
What. A. Night.
Jeff and I never fail to give thanks for the friends our kids have. We don't underestimate the importance of right relationships, especially in the teen years. I was a little overwhelmed last night by just how richly blessed we have been through the years. The memories and experiences among this group of incredible kids have woven a tapestry elaborately adorned with lessons in friendship, maturity, accountability, perseverance, and the brotherhood of Christ.
Many of these young men and women are at an exciting time in their lives when they are planning their next steps and journeying into new territory. The bonds between these kids profoundly impact who they have become, and where they are going. I believe these relationships will last a lifetime, because I truly believe with all my heart they are a treasure from God. So very much to be thankful for!
ONWARD to the photos! (How many is too many?? I can't stop myself!)
Melanie, Emily, and Hannah with Victoria, the sweet gal who came to do hair and make up for them.

This was what it took to get all those staircase entryway full of paparazzi!
I completely love this picture. These were a few of the finely adept couch holder downers. :-) These wise gentlemen let the women sweat it out in the entryway and battle for photos!
The twins. Hannah and Morgan can't go separate ways even when they try. Last year they wore the exact same color dress to prom. This year, Morgan picked out a purple lace vintage dress even before she knew Hannah was wearing Nana's purple lace dress. Twin telepathy! Of course, both girls show up in pearls and silver shoes too! I love this darling duo!
My sweet Buzzard at midnight, ready to head out for the hotel, complete with Pooh tie. They opened the ballroom to parents at 12:30 and at 1:00 there was a senior girl/daddy dance. I'm so thankful for this man who has partnered with me (and put up with me!) for eighteen years to get to this landmark night. One more memory stone as we build a family memorial in thanks to God for the kids (and their friends!) who make our lives so special and complete.
W O W!
Oh, Brooke, you are such the gifted writer. Your words paint such a vivid picture.
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