We had such a great day celebrating Hannah's birthday today. Hayden wanted to make her breakfast in bed, so he got me up early to do a Starbuck's run while he prepared the food. The boys crept upstairs to surprise her with breakfast and some fun, small presents.

The kids put in some extra hours of school yesterday to buy us a little free time today. Ordinarily, Tuesdays are a really busy day around here! Hannah and I were able to go on a little date to see Jane Eyre. Neither of us had read the book yet, but we both really liked the movie. (Ha! Guess we both have a dark and twisty side!) Just as we arrived home, Hannah's friend Benjamin arrived with a birthday cake he made for her.

He made one for her last year too, and we warned him then that he had set a precedent. He bakes an amazing homemade chocolate cake! :-) He was sweet to spoil her again this year.

The birthday girl requested homemade macaroni and cheese and watermelon for dinner. Well, she didn't require homemade watermelon. I got to buy that at the store. :-)

Nana wasn't feeling too well after getting back into town late yesterday. We missed her tonight at our little feast, but we were glad that Oma and Papa could join us.

Hannah got a beautiful wooden lap desk to use at college, as well as a new GPS. I'll resist all temptation to make remarks about how badly she needs a GPS. Since it's her birthday and all, I don't want to be mean and imply that she is directionally challenged, but I will confess that she comes by whatever weakness she may have in this area rather naturally. :-)

Papa's girl.

She got lots of pretty cards today, even one that sings! It was a treat to celebrate the life of such a special young lady. Happy Birthday, Hannah! I loved spending today with you!!!
1 comment:
What a beautiful blog you have here and congratulations on your daugther 18th birthday. Blessings to you and your family.
Nicole :)
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