Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Brand New Year and Some Very Merries

Our Christmas this year was sentimental and poignant. Here it is the first of the new year, and I find it hard to draw the holidays to a close. Our decorations are all packed away, and I'm slowly nudging myself toward the idea that we need to get back to our schedule and routine.

But I don't wanna!

I'm stealing a great idea for a New Year's resolution. (Thanks, Morgan!) One of Hannah's friends decided to take a photo a day for one year, and since I'm never one to hesitate to copy a fabulous idea, I'm all over it. So, here I am to launch my very own 365 Photo Challenge. My goal is to mix it up a bit...some family photos, some reminders of what we did that day, some nature photos, and some still shots to try to learn new techniques and tricks with my camera. It will be fun to see what accumulates over the course of a year.

So, to get us rolling............


There she is. A blank slate. It felt really good to tear away December's page and see a blank square staring at me. I don't too often enjoy a blank square on our family calendar. So, I spent the first day of the new year getting things in order around here and crawling under a quilt for an hour for my first (and only!) nap of Christmas break. It was a good day, and it felt nice to edge off the starting mark a little slowly. I'd like to think I could keep that pace for a time, but I know better.

One of the best parts of Christmas break was spending time in the company of friends. I constantly give thanks for the family of friends we share our lives with. Nothing beats a little down time to come together for food and laughs. These are a few shots of our Bible Bowl Christmas party, and a birthday party for Emma with our besties, the D's and the R's.

Today we have friends in town from Georgia to spend the night. I'm off to enjoy supper together and a rousing game of late night Canasta. The perfect way to cap off a rich and satisfying holiday season.

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