Thursday, April 12, 2012


Today is my girl's birthday.

The first birthday I will spend apart from her.

I'm so proud of the young woman she has become, and for the effort she has invested into making her freshman year in college such a success.  She is exactly where she feels called to be, and she is honoring her Dad and I, and most importantly the Lord, in making the most of the opportunities she has been given.  

But still, I'll miss her today!  All day long!  :-)  

This post won't mean anything to anyone but Hannah, but in honor of turning nineteen, here's a list of nineteen memories.....just for my girl!  

1.  Prayers for a baby sister really can pay off, even if she does have blonde hair.

2.  For all the teasing I have endured, I know just where to find three unfinished quilts, none of which I myself started.

3.  Pink pillows never get less lovable.

4.  It's really best to let the chips and queso just count as the entire meal and to eat LOTS of them.

5.  I really wish the vampire wasn't named EJ!

6.  There should be a speed limit for traveling in a go cart down the side of a Colorado mountain.  But since there isn't, feel free to set one yourself.

7.  Never cut your friend's hair.  Ever.  Of if you do, choose verrrry carefully!!

8.  Superballs bounce well in bathrooms.

9.  Auntie K's ice cream pie!  And while we're at it...Oma's pumpkin bread, Mr. Calloway's party mix, and lemon bars.  Otherwise known as "the four food groups".

10. I consider the fact that you don't spell "water" with two t's to be a great testimony to the power of homeschooling.

11.  I hope when I get to heaven I have the chance to see you curtsy to Mr. Henry.

12.  Giving your pastor a fish is the gift that just keeps on giving....for years.

13.  There is only one restaurant necessary in Arkansas.  The Shack remains...all others can go away.

14.  Don't put rocks in your attic.  They might get too hot.  (Plus, you'll need a really big attic.)

15.  When you get married, my wedding gift to you will be 4,512 Christmas decorations to start you off right.  May your Thanksgiving weekends be forever filled with joy.

16. There are many truths to be learned on a bus, like the fact that Corn Nuts are baby Fritos, and that the golden arches don't necessarily stand for the letter "M".

17.  The devil himself may have invented flip flops and shorts that go above the knees.  After all, he surely invented the turtleneck.

18.  I hope with all my heart that you one day get to Flanders.

19.  It took The Sound of Music, three hours of pushing, a set of forceps, and a vacuum to bring you into this world.  Two weeks late.  You've always had a pension for doing things your own way, in your own time.  Heaven help the one who ever tries to change that.  God gave this world a very special gift nineteen years ago.  In His mercy, He has been so gracious to reveal some of the wonderful details of His plan to us.  This world needed you.  MY world needed you.  I can hardly wait to see what your future holds, because I know you will embrace it willingly and use whatever comes to glorify God in your own your own only you can do.

Happy Birthday, Boo.  We love your guts.


Lisa said...

Oh my, this is soooo touching. I love the special relationship between you, Brooke, and each one of your children. I hope you had a great day, Hannah! I know your mom thought of nothing else!!!


Anonymous said...

#5 is my favorite. :)

Love you guys! The happiest of birthdays, to my dearest twin!

Forever & Always,
Milo <3