I seriously love me some Paula Deen. So, I toted myself to her book signing where I stood in line to hold her hand and listen to that southern drawl in real life. Worth every second of waiting. (I was pregnant with Emma at the time and she rubbed my belly. I'm certain that's why Emma loves butter.)

I had a book signed that day and I gave it to my friend Melinda as a silly little gift. Today, my phone rang and it was Melinda calling out of the blue to say she was going to drop something by my house. Paula's two sons (who are both incredibly easy on the eyes!) have a new book out called The Deen Brothers Get Fired Up.
Apparently, they were in town for a signing, and look what Melinda did for me. How incredibly fun is this??!!??
Last week in my summer Bible study we were challenged to do something for somebody that would show them we really know them and care about them. Even though I was supposed to be the one reaching out, I was suddenly keenly aware of how many people in my own life do things that make me feel special. It was a wonderful focus for the week. That's the first thing that came to mind when I saw this book on my doorstep.
My sweet friend stood in line to meet two incredibly handsome men who do kitchen duty, and she was thinking of me in the process. :-) Melinda, you are the BEST. Thank you for making me feel so special. I love you even more than my recipe for Paula's Brown Sugar Chewies. YOU MADE MY WEEK!!
And now, I can hardly wait to see that Old Buzzard get fired up and barbecue me something for supper!
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