Then, my sweet friend and quilting buddy surprised me with a little gift one day, and I immediately thought about making a Henrietta to thank her. So, I dug out the pattern and read it another seven times before being overcome by fear and stashing her away once again.
The thought lingered on and every time I opened my sewing drawers I saw Henrietta's little pieces, all cut out and wasting away in a ziplock. Then I'd think about my sweet friend and how I really wanted to thank her for my gift. So, I set out to tackle the turtle.
Here's the honest truth. I did a terrible job. I'm not at all kidding when I say I'm no dressmaker. Attaching the legs to the body was a feat that rather got the best of me. I think the real problem is that I overfed her. By a mile. What can I say? It's the German mother in me!!!!
Now her belly is so fluffy she tips over onto her nose. Which is quite handy because her feet are so puckered an uneven she probably couldn't stand on them anyway. But, she is finished, and she was made with love. I should probably be too embarrassed to send my portly little project to my friend (who is an AMAZING seamstress), but I think she'll see the humor in it and appreciate the fact that it looks like her grandchildren put it together.
I made one for me too. HenriettaTwo.
So Henrietta is off to travel the state today, headed for her new home. I sure hope she doesn't starve along the way! Ha!
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