Tuesday, March 3, 2009

And God Spoke and I Listened

I got up extra early this morning because I'm at a really good part in the book I'm reading during my quiet times and I could hardly wait to get to it. I put water in the microwave to boil and spooned my extra special Land-O-Lakes dark chocolate cocoa mix into my favorite mug. I've been saving my one little package for a special occasion. I lit my cranberry candle, put my favorite quilt in my chair, opened up the blinds, and set my celtic harp music on the stereo. It was effort, and the fact that I was accomplishing it without waking anybody up was making me giddy. I was so committed to coordinating ambiance that I forgot to notice poor Morgan camped out by the back door waiting too silently for someone to come let her ancient self outside. The unfortunate outcome of which was a very unpleasant odor that overpowered both my chocolate and my cranberry candle. Even after I disposed of the offending evidence and banished the culprit to the side yard I was sure I could still smell it.

I settled into my chair and soaked up a Good Word about keeping the motives of my heart pure in relation to serving others. Translation.....My actions are often an extension of what is in my heart. Be careful to guard the condition of my heart, or even my best efforts will be as pleasing as dog poop.

I just really love when God spells things out and keeps it simple for me.


Wendi said...

I am so glad that you stopped by last week. Things have been crazy busy so it has taken me awhile to get over here.

I am glad that everyone is feeling well again. The sickies are no fun!

Have a great day!

Em said...

So how early is early in your house? I would have to get up at 4am to avoid waking my early risers! Sounds heavenly though... except for the poo part of course ;)

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Thank you for your recent sweet, sweet comments on my blog! I am so very happy to "meet" you and thankful God led you back to our family's little spot in blogland. (:

You have a beautiful family and I always love meeting moms with several children...it encourages me to believe I CAN do this mothering thing with our one child!

This is a wonderful, funny, and truth-filled post! One of my favorite things to do is read how God is moving in the lives of His people...thanks for sharing the Word he gave you on this day.