The second quilt I made came together at the last minute. These cross stitch squares were in my fabric stash for probably ten years or more! I pulled them out one day to work on during a car trip. They were addicting, and once I started I couldn't stop! I took them to the soccer fields and worked on them during practices. I also took them to doctor's appointments and worked on them in the waiting room. Before long, I had twelve squares finished, so I decided to make them into a quilt. (Sorry the photo loaded sideways.)
I was in Hobby Lobby one day and found some pink and green fabrics on the clearance table that I really liked. I decided to use a simple setting for the cross stitched blocks and used the extra fabric to make matching curtains for the nursery.
I still have not fully decided how to use this quilt. Up until now it has mostly stayed folded on the back of her glider, but I do have a charming wooden quilt holder, so it might go up on the wall in her room one day.
I think quilting is a special art. I remember many happy hours spent working on these blankets when I was pregnant. I dreamed about my little one, and prayed for her, and imagined all the hours we would spend wrapped in these blankets, rocking together, and reading stories. Now she is 13 months old, and we enjoy all those special moments I dreamed about! :)
Quilts are fun to make, and even more fun to use. Here's my favorite part.......
Oh I love your quilts! One day your little one will treasure them! It's funny that we both shared quilts to day! I just found a lot of my childhood things that I thought were lost during a move. In the box was a baby quilt that my mom made for's over 45 yrs old so I guess that makes it an antique....wonder what that says about me!!! pretty! Those are some of my favorite colors. You did a wonderful job!
Your quilts are just lovely. I have always admired quilters and the hours of love they put in on these pieces.
These are family treasures. You did a lovely job and I also love the curtains!:)
Linda C
I love your quilts! What a wonderful gift for your dd, who will someday use them with her children.
How adorable! You did a great job.
So sweet the little one, Your quilts are so pretty.
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