It's overcast, slightly rainy, and pushing 80 degrees. I do believe winter left town with Santa. We had a great day yesterday...our bellies were stuffed, our stockings were stuffed, and the only thing on the agenda for today is recuperation.
T lives next door and is the boys' best friend. It is imperative that T's mom and I coordinate Christmas gifts so that days like today can happen. The three musketeers have been out on the street practicing slick moves on their new matching Ripsticks. They make it look so easy. I've tried standing on one before, and immediately decided I prefer solid ground. I used the excuse that I didn't want to drop my new camera. I could tell from the look on their faces they completely understood that if it weren't for the new camera in my hand I would totally be rolling down the hill in a blaze of Ripstick glory. It goes without saying that I'm super cool that way.
Sounds like you guys had an awesome Christmas! Enjoy a hopefully relaxing weekend!
Even as old as I am, I can remember going to my friend's house in the next block Christmas afternoon to see what Santa brought my best friend! And we would play and play! Some things never change...thank goodness!!
Happy new year to you and your sweet family!
I got the Jon & Kate book too...! I cannot seem to put it down, I'm almost done with it already! :) Merry Christmas (a little late), give the kiddos a squeeze from all of us here in Iowa! :)
Ok I can not wait to come and see the boys ride those things in person! They look so cool!!! The thumbs up picture says it all! :-) They could bring them to "just outside the Hill Country" and ride them! LOL
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