Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Daddy Date

Last night was Dad's night at preschool.  Invitations came home weeks ago, and the excitement has really been building around here.  Emma took a shower and picked out a special dress.  Daddy arrived home early from work, and HE BROUGHT FLOWERS all on his own.

I've never loved him more.

She was absolutely delighted.

I love how her dimple shows up when she gets really excited.  :-)

I've been reminded SEVERAL times throughout the last week that NO mommies are allowed.  It made me a little teary when they left.  She seemed a bit too enthusiastic that I was cut out of the deal!  Ha!

Such a good Daddy.  He let his date choose the restaurant, which meant my poor Buzzard had McDonald's for dinner.

They took my camera to school, and I was tickled to find this photo.  Apparently, she is precisely as accommodating for the Buzzard as she is for me when it comes to pictures sometimes!

They made Valentines!  A special craft where no mommies were allowed.
This one hurt a little. ;-)

They went into the sanctuary and gave a concert to the Daddy's, then there was a reception with punch and cookies.  It thrilled me to the moon that the Daddys from Mrs. Alice Ann's class were invited to the front of the church to lead everyone in the chicken dance.

It was payback for the fact that I was the one who got stuck running across the sanctuary in the rabbit car on derby day.  Payback times ten, in fact.

I love how this man loves this girl.

And I love how Daddy Date Night was the crown jewel of her week.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Awwww! Wish we had a pic of that Chicken Dance...