Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Refrigerator Gallery

There is one hard, fast, non-negotiable rule in this house.


I can't stand garbage hanging all over the outside of a refrigerator. It makes me crazy. I know that is the weirdest thing ever, but the thought of a pizza coupon dangling from some tacky magnet and outdated Christmas card photos cluttering up what is intended to be a clean and tidy surface makes me twitch.


My family constantly hangs crud on the front of the refrigerator. Just to test my patience. It has become a huge running joke around here. Every once in a hundred blue moons something is so special that it is allowed to take a place of HUGE HONOR in our home and hang (for a very brief period of time) on the fridge.

You know you've done something spectacular in this family if it dangles from a magnet.

While I was in Oklahoma Emma's mother's day out class had their Thanksgiving feast. Emma was in charge of taking the turkey, which I purchased and left for Buzzard to arrange on the platter and deliver to school. (I have no earthly idea how that turned out, and I'm determined not to ask, because what I don't know about horrifically ugly preschool poultry platters probably can't really hurt me.)

I already know what her hair looks like when I leave town and that is enough to satisfy my curiosity about what else happens while I am away.


I came home to some very spiffy artwork from the feast rightfully hanging on the fridge and I have to share. Her placemat is adorable, and my favorite part is the turkey handprint. Because I am sentimentally challenged when it comes to construction paper crafts, this will be in the trash at the stroke of midnight on Thanksgiving. However, I will cut out the handprint and save it forever because I'm not completely without emotion.

And I love that she is thankful for macaroni and cheese because when I stop and give thanks for all the many blessings in my life, that one always makes my feather list too.

P.S.......Just in case you are wondering, work gets to stay on the front of the fridge for ONE DAY and then it is moved to the side of the fridge where it is allowed to remain for a respectable amount of time, usually not to exceed one week.

Surely you know by now that I am compulsive and quirky enough that I absolutely had to include that p.s. just to let you all know how things turn out. I wouldn't want to leave you dangling like an expired pizza coupon.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I am the same way...too funny! And my family likes to leave little surprises (magnets) to see how long it takes for me to "freak out." ;0)

I do have a picture of Grace and I from our Mother/Daughter tea, but it's on the side and I'm thinking about finding another special spot for it!

Emma's artwork is too cute!