But, she is thirteen months old.
It's time to evict my sweet little roomie. I'm afraid if I don't get her settled in her own space soon she will develop sleep issues. So, I've been looking at nursery photos online and trying to make some decisions about decorations and such for Emma's room. Name canvases seem popular, and I think they are whimsical and fun. So, I decided to try my hand.
My canvas was inspired by my favorite pair of Emma's pajamas.
This Carter's sleeper is green with white flowers and pink polka-dotted, scalloped trim. I just love it. Since the walls in Emma's room are painted a yummy shade of green, and I didn't want the greens to clash, I swapped the colors on the canvas and went with a pink background and green polka-dotted trim.
I've got a few more ideas to implement for the nursery. There are a few pieces of furniture and some more art projects I want to move in during the next few days. Who knows? Maybe someday soon I'll put a baby in there too!
#1 - Craft paints that are twelve years old are a real bummer. The goo that emerges when you shake the bottles hard and scrape the insides with toothpicks and q-tips does not glide onto the canvas with a satiny smoothness. Rather, it glumps. It would have been well worth springing for some new 88 cent craft paints.
#2 - While I was at it, I could have/should have gone on a spending spree and picked up a new brush. Brushes that come free in old paint-by-number kits have more bristly, wayward hairs on them than my beloved Grandma did on her blessed little chin.
#3 - Dixie paper plates make fabulous palettes for mixing paint.
Despite my rather crude art supplies, I gave it a sincere effort, and I'm rather fond of the result. It seemed to be missing a little something, so I waited for inspiration to strike. I was hoping a spectacular idea for a stunning little embellishment would pop into mind. But, as with many "unfinished" projects in my life, once I stared at it long enough, I decided to call it done. I intend to use a fluffy ribbon and a cute finial to hang it on the wall. I hope every time I look at it in her room I will be reminded of how soft and cuddly she is in her fuzzy little jammies.
I wanted to get Emma's picture with her new sign in her Carter's. I was hoping for something sentimental and charming that could even be framed for her room. She was only interested in picking up the sign and walking away with it, so after two dozen tries I decided to call that idea done too!
Last night I heard the ticking of sleet and ice flicking against my windows. Tonight I hear the drips and trickles from a thaw. It was fun to "freeze" for a few days - literally and figuratively - and to play hooky from our busy mid-week schedules. :)
The sign you painted is adorable!! You did an amazing job!
I followed your blog from a comment you posted on In The Midst of It (sarah). I too marveled at the rarity of ice today. Not just myself but our 2yo sat on the ottoman at the window for over an hour watching the water drip from melting ice.
What a talent you have. The sign is precious; just like your little one. Our daughter's room is really part of our ensuite and I am not sure how old she will be when I decide to claim that little nook as mine. It has a door afterall. Good Luck!
Hey! You guessed the "birthdate" of my son! He was born on Tuesday the 27th! Send me your address so I can get your basket to you!!
Em @ Bunch of Scrap
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