My Dad and Suzanne arrived Friday to celebrate Christmas with us, and we have had a wonderful visit. Frequent cookie breaks have contributed to the overall cheerful mood around here the past two days. We ate a few cookies, did a little shopping, ate a few more cookies, went to see The Nutcracker, then came home and ate a few more cookies.

The boys piled on the couch and watched the Cowboys play their final game at Texas Stadium. The score was quite depressing. Not even cookies could ease the sting.

There was, however, plenty to cheer about when the kids opened their gifts. Emma wasn't sure about presents at first, but she had a ball ripping paper and tugging on ribbons.

She got a precious ABC book. It is made of fabric and zips shut. Inside, it has a pocket for each letter of the alphabet, and each pocket holds a little stuffed toy. Emma is now an expert at picking pockets.

Hayden is playing on an Upwards basketball team this winter, so he was excited to get a new ball to use for practice.

Max got a football, which is exciting because the neighborhood boys gather to play football nearly every afternoon. He also got a Madden football Wii game as an early birthday present. It was put to the test immediately and got impressive reviews. :)

Uh oh. Look who loved the balls. I mean LOVED the balls. She chased them around all evening. She isn't going to be the wild tomboy with two older brothers, is she?
Speaking of wild....a certain someone picked up some major speed this weekend. Saturday morning she was gaining a bit more confidence on her feet.
She took several tentative steps in a row.

By evening, she was walking across the entire family room. By "walking" I really mean half running...toddling proudly in Tinkerbell pajamas.

It's all over. We're in a whole new ballgame now. In the course of one day our lives changed drastically. We're on the move, and we're after the remote control. At FULL speed.

Full speed ahead....that's where we're living right now. We've had wonderful weekend with Opa and Granna, full of the kind of anticipation and joy that only Christmas time can bring. I'm looking forward to a bright and busy week, running along side our new little runner as we celebrate the birth of a newborn king.
1 comment:
I love the pictures!! Look at her go! :0)
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