Friday, November 7, 2008

A Bee See

Today the kids and I went to a beekeeper's convention. Now, how's that for bee-ing creative? They invited local homeschoolers to attend, and they had little educational booths set up where the kids could learn all about the hobby of beekeeping. Perhaps one of these facts will earn you a point someday in a game of Trivial Pursuit....

A regular honey bee only lives about six weeks, but the queen bee can live 5-7 years.

Only females sting.

A bee makes 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey during its lifespan. Who knew?

Without bees, our food supply would diminish by 2/3. Bees are responsible for pollinating 80% of all fruit, vegetable, and grain crops.

We learned how to build a hive, how to extract honey, and how to care for bees. The boys got to roll beeswax candles.

Of course, the best part was bringing home a souvenir to enjoy with a loaf of fresh baked bread!

Randi is hosting her first Thursday Recipe Box Swap today. I'm sharing a simple homemade cocoa mix that is delicious and satisfying. Now that the weather is turning cooler, my kids are starting to ask for hot cocoa in the mornings. I just got a hot chocolate machine for my birthday, and this mix works great with it. This mix is more economical than buying prepackaged in the store, and it makes a great gift packaged in jars and paired with homemade marshmallows!

Hot Chocolate Mix
2 pound container Nestles Quick (Yellow container with the rabbit on it.)
1 pound powdered sugar
10 ounce container powdered creamer
8 quart box powdered milk

Use 3-4 heaping teaspoons per mug. In my cocoa machine, I use about a cup of mix per 4 cups of water. Store in airtight container.


Renee said...

Sound great. I have been thinking about making some and I think I will have to do this. Maybe I can make it up and put it in canning jars for Christmas presents. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of bees...
Local honey is one of the best things for allergies, as the small amounts of pollen act as an immunization.

I use it in plain, non fat takes the slightly acid edge off and makes a wonderful dessert.

Have you read the secret life of bees? It's one of the best books I've read in a while.


the voice of melody said...

Dove, it sounds like you had such a great time learning about bees. So, let me guess, tonight you'll all be watching the Bee Movie? That was such a cute movie!

Many sweet blessings!