Last week in history we read about the very first Olympic games. We learned they took place around 750 BC, the athletes were naked, and women were not allowed to watch. The winners got laurel wreaths to wear on their heads, and the competitions took place once every four years. A popular event was the pentathlon, so we decided to stage our own.
We started with some arm wrestling.

Then, we did a footrace. I made them do "best two out of three" since I quickly realized that was a stellar way to release some extra energy.
There were a few too many cars parked on the street for me to feel comfortable with a javelin throw, even though the boys found a branch (that probably could have qualified as a log) and were perfectly willing to hurl it down the road. We opted instead for a pencil throw. (Because I am practical, sensible, and lots of fun at sporting events.) I present to you now the daring, the distinct, the delightfully fast Dixon Ticonderoga #2 with an extra sharp point.

The discus was also an issue because I couldn't find the Frisbee. Lucky for us, I had "Plan B". A tiddlywink toss. Imagine the rave reviews I got for Plan B. :) Don't worry, I let them throw a football too.

They had to jump really high to see who could touch the highest brick on our house for the high jump contest. Then, because I had a fancy camera around my neck, they had to jump up and down seventeen times for me to play with shutter speed. This picture has absolutely nothing to do with the Olympics, but doesn't it fit great under the caption "High Jump"??

We wove wreaths for the winners. The little pink flowers on the wreaths? I decided not to pick them off. Those were an extra gift from me to them in exchange for the flack I received over the tiddlywinks. Being the head of the Olympic Committee was a perk that day.
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