Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Buffer Year

Today I turned 39. Buzzard says this is my buffer year; the final barrier before greeting 4-0. I have 364 days of buffer left to go.

My Mom takes special orders for birthday dinners. The birthday girl (or boy!) always gets to plan the menu, and my pick is the same every year. I'm not sure where the name "soggy chicken" came from, but despite the rather unappetizing title, this dish is amazing. I have no recipe to share because Mom just makes it happen. A little flour, a little seasoning, a nice slow simmer....the chicken is so juicy and tender, it's just....well....soggy. And delicious. You eat soggy chicken with mashed potatoes, corn, and gravy. It's the kind of meal that dirties every single pot and pan in the kitchen. It takes a long time to make, and even longer to clean up. Gosh, it's worth it. I say that, by the way, as the one who neither cooked it nor cleaned up after it. The eating part was where I made my major contribution. Superb.

After dinner, we all settled in to watch my very favorite show on DVR. I have never missed a single episode. I love this family. We all love watching.

I am always amazed at how well my kids keep secrets about presents. They are great planners, and always pick personal things that have meaning for me. This year they got me a "stress relief" gift set from Bath and Body Works. They reminded me that it is a scent we used recently at a hotel that I really liked. They took note of that and remembered. What good little shoppers. Stress relief, from the kids. Precious irony. :) My in-laws funded a shopping spree at my favorite store -- Coldwater Creek! I took advantage of a big sale this week and have some gorgeous new sweaters for fall. Dad and Suzanne gave me a new Study Bible. I've been using a hardback Bible for many years that is heavily marked with notes, but the spine is breaking. I'm excited about choosing a new, soft covered Bible with commentary. If you have a Study Bible that you love, I'm open to recommendations! Mom brought beautiful flowers to dinner tonight, and gave me a card saying that she will fund a professional blog design! How about that? The Manor is going to get a fancy, new look, so stay tuned for the big make-over! Buzzard gave me something special too. We are going to get a new camera and take some photography classes together. I'll post more about that in the near future.

Sweater shopping, Bible shopping, blog design shopping, and camera shopping. Oh yes, the buffer year is off to quite a lovely start.

Buzzard asked me last night if I was sad about getting older; about closing in on the 40's. (Like all of my dearest friends. I know you're reading. You know who you are, you oldies.) I'm not sad in the least. I'm happier than I've ever been, and I wouldn't turn back the clock if given the chance. I am fortunate to be able to say that in all honesty. I'm immeasurably blessed. Blessed in my buffer. :)

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